Editor's Choice

Oil in Belarus / Photo by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio

Oil in Belarus / Photo by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

The sharper Lukashenka's rhetoric against Russia was, the deeper Belarusians dug.
Volunteers in peacetime / @rubanau_collage

Volunteers in peacetime / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Liked the posts about the liberation of Belarus?
It's high time to help Belarusian volunteers start a peaceful life.
Belarusian politics through the eyes of "Big Brother" 

Belarusian politics through the eyes of "Big Brother"  / @rubanau_collage

Lukashenka became an honored politician, and the article about the Kalinousky regiment was completely deleted.
Готовятся ли Сувалки к войне с Россией

Suwalki / Photo by Rosół Mariusz / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

What is the Suwalki gap, which Russia allegedly has its eye on?
Aliaksey Zhukau / alutech-group.com

Aliaksey Zhukau / alutech-group.com / alutech-group.com

Корчма 1863 Вильнюс

"Karchma 1863" in Vilnius / budzma.org / budzma.org

Some believe even their names are suspicious.
Зачем швед купил дом в Украине в 50 километрах от фронта? / pixabay

Зачем швед купил дом в Украине в 50 километрах от фронта? / pixabay / @rubanau_collage

Better find out where the minefields are before going for mushrooms.
Belarusians were forced to vote / @rubanau_collage

Belarusians were forced to vote / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

The carrot and stick method was used
We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage

We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Exactly half of Belarusians earn less than 1,499 BYN or 470 USD per month.