
The group "Molchat Doma" / Euroradio

The group "Molchat Doma" / Euroradio

And no, Max Korzh is not in first place.
Natalia Zakharenko / "Time Chernihiv".

Natalia Zakharenko / "Time Chernihiv".

The woman has been out of contact for over a month.
BRICS Summit in Johannesburg / Reuters

BRICS Summit in Johannesburg / Reuters

Five other countries were invited.
Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

Sviatlana Kurs (Eva Viežnaviec) / Photo from her Facebook page

The award is given for contemporary foreign prose translated into German for the first time.
Belarusian filmmakers will gather in Warsaw /, sample photo

Belarusian filmmakers will gather in Warsaw /, sample photo

For three days, Warsaw will become the center of Belarusian cinematographers.
Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
The Russians were tougher, using grenades and beating people badly.
Arseni Khachaturan /
Arseni Khachaturan /
Here's the "modest" track record of 30-year-old Arseni Khachaturan.
Mikalai Khalezin and Natallia Kalyada  /
Mikalai Khalezin and Natallia Kalyada  /
They are included in the list of honor for their services to the theater.
European Games in Krakow /
European Games in Krakow /
They received an official invitation from the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Poland.