Vladimir Putin

Russian soldier

Russian soldier / ria.ru

The Russian military unit will have heavy equipment.
Aliaksandr Lukashenka is convincing his colleagues that Belarus will not lose its sovereignty / kommersant.ru

Aliaksandr Lukashenka is convincing his colleagues that Belarus will not lose its sovereignty / kommersant.ru / kommersant.ru

Yevgeny Prigozhin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / glavred.info
Yevgeny Prigozhin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / glavred.info
'Other means' were reportedly employed to persuade the founder of PMC Wagner pick up the phone.
Пригожин в роли "повара Путина"
Prigozhin to the left of Putin / AP
Allegedly, all happened with the assistance of Lukashenka.
Belarus opposition reacts to Putin's statement on nuclear weapons in Belarus.
Russian nuclear weapons / AP
Russian nuclear weapons / AP
On June 16, the Russian president spoke about the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
Belarus is being closely watched / Sample photo by Reuters
Belarus is being closely watched / Sample photo by Reuters
It will happen ahead of the NATO Summit in Lithuania.
Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Sanctions or Lukashenka's stance on Crimea, Belarus will continue to lose money. There are only two options.
Lukashenka and Putin at the meeting on September 9, 2021 / Reuters
Lukashenka and Putin at the meeting on September 9, 2021 / Reuters
Econimic integration with Russia can quickly become political, while military cooperation grows without any roadmaps.