Aleksey Yanukievich

Minsk hosted a meeting of opposition leaders with the rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Andrea Rigoni.

EU's Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service, Helga Schmid, is already in Minsk.

There are three approaches to the creation of initiative groups.

The opposition leaders behind the People's Referendum campaign want Lukashenka to set a referendum.

Police looking for people who streamlined Balahova cemetery in the regional center.

The leader United Civil Party was not present at today's press conference held by other opposition leaders.

Milinkevich is the most popular with Popular Front members, while Fair World's communists are yet choose whom to support – Kalyakin or Lukashenka.

Not much time is left before the presidential election campaign-2015 but there is still no information about the single opposition candidate.

Euroradio picks at least five potential single opposition candidates for Belarus presidency, but only Nyaklyaeu admits he wants to run.