Liabedzka: UCP will not join single candidate nomination deal
The leader United Civil Party was not present at today's press conference held by other opposition leaders.
Anatol Liabedzka reckons the Agreement signed on November 17 will nominate the candidate of the National Referendum.
"The signature of a UCP member could not even appear on that document. After all, we consider the whole procedure as a nomination of the National Referendum applicant. We are not a member of this structure. Therefore, we cannot participate in this," Liabedzka told Euroradio.
The Agreement on the nomination of a single candidate in the 2015 elections was presented to the media on November 17. The surprise press conference was attended by Yanukevich from BPF, Andrey Dzmitryieu from Tell the Truth, Yuras Hubarevich of the movement For Freedom and Iryna Veshtard from SDPB Hramada.
They reported that the Agreement had also been agreed upon with the Belarusian Christian Democracy (Pavel Sevyarynets signed it on behalf of the Christian Democrats). The signature of Just World and the UCP are expected. If at least one of these parties agrees to the terms of the agreement by the end of the year, the Congress for the election of a single candidate can take place already at the end of March 2015.