Additionally, the rent in rubles may be annually adjusted to the consumer price index of the previous year.
Trade Ministry warns Belarusians against buying drugs online
17:36 04.03.2015
Officials point out that it can compromise health safety.Police insist that photographer Uladzimir Hrydzin return to police station
13:27 04.03.2015
He was told that chief of Zavodzki police station wants to have a word with him.Putin grants Alexander Nevski Order to Lukashenka (video)
10:28 04.03.2015
“My heavenly guardian will protect me even more now,” Lukashenka said.
Entrepreneurs to be allowed to work without certificates
09:49 04.03.2015
But the taxes will be increased.Bryan Adams cancels Minsk gig
08:32 04.03.2015
No refunds for tickets are being made, because the organizers are yet to receive an official notice from the singer.USA prolongs Russia sanctions for 12 months
08:05 04.03.2015
The sanctions were first imposed because of the annexation of Crimea and then – due to Russia’s participation in the conflict in Donets Basin.Russia, Belarus to create single visa area
07:29 04.03.2015
Vladimir Putin announced the news after the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Union State.