Illa Malinousky

The person accused of faking last year's results of "Eurofest" and fired from the BT works for... Alyona Lanskaya now.

Last year's semi-finalists and even... N.R.M. are among them.

"Klimovich!? There was a teacher with such name in our school, but I think it's not her you are talking about" - Euroradio has polled people in the streets.

However, there were a little less musicians than viewers there, and they played mostly acoustic music.

Rock will be played at the intersection of Kamsamolskaya and Revolutionary Streets on July 20.

The concert left the old generation of rockers bewitched and excited, and forced the younger generation to leave the place.

Guitar-shaped door handlers, the Beatles and AC/DC figurines, and guitars on the walls... They promise live concerts and "walk of fame" of Belarusian rockers.

According to the PR-manager, the band “Leningrad” are not going to change their lyrics especially for Minsk.

For this, the musicians will change the name, gathered a blues big-band, and sent the accordion and the ukulele to the background.