Baranau: Neither me nor Lanskaya were ready to win!


Euroradio has compared Alyona Lanskaya's two victories in the national "Eurovision" selection tour and found a lot of interesting facts. Thrice more people have voted for her this year! Everyone is comparing the two victories now. Euroradio has decided to talk to the band that lost.

“The situation is unpleasant. If Uzari or Satsura had won, we would not have been offended because they are worth it more, - Nuteki's manager Maksim Maksimau is evidently disappointed about the second position. - Nobody understands.. why Alyona?.. We would not have achieved anything if they had chosen sportsmen for the Olympic Games this way. But we do not consider it a victory because we see that people's attitude differs."  

About 10 thousand  viewers voted for Alyona Lanskaya. 4 thousands voted for Nuteki and about 1.5 thousands - for every other participant. The numbers were shown on TV and the official results cannot be found anywhere. The same thing happened last time.

“The official results were not announced even after the investigation, - leader of Litesound Zmitser Karakin who represented the country at "Eurovision" after a scandal last year recalls.  - I know the unofficial results, at least as they said: we had about ... 5 thousand votes." It is twice less than Alyona Lanskaya's result this year!

If you believe Alyaksandr Radzkou, deputy head of the President's administration, Litesound scored 2 thousand more votes than Alyona Lanskaya last year. Thus, a year of work in London has helped Alyona score thee times more votes. Litesound cannot believe it.

“It is naive, - Zmitser Karakin smiles. - In my opinion, it is impossible to get so many votes in 10 minutes on TV in Belarus. It has never happened before! Secondly, the winner is traditionally disputable. Unfortunately, nobody has dared to challenge the reality. However, I do not think there were people who doubted the results  even before the voting started."

Nuteki are not going to request a recount. They say that they lack time because they gave a concert for 600 people in Pinsk after the contest, are going to make a mini tour in Ukraine and will give a solo concert in Minsk  Re:Public on December 19, etc.

Alyona Lanskaya has written on Twitter that she is recording the song that has won at the national contest in studio now. That is why we had to talk to Zmitser Baranau. Baranau was accused of faking up the results of last year's "Eurofest". He was fired from the position of the executive producer of "Belarus 1". He is the director of the centre "Spamash" that is the producer of this year's finalists Daria, Alyaksei Hros and... Lanskaya.

“Neither me nor the artists were ready for such a result, - Zmitser Baranau confessed. - We thought that the main thing was taking part in the contest this year. We did not try to win at all costs. Naturally, the task has changed because we have won: we need to create a show that could arouse certain feelings in European listeners in a comprehensible and adequate way."

At first people said on the Internet that almost all the participants presented songs and shows of similar quality. Nevertheless, Alyona Lanskaya is about 6 thousand votes ahead of the second position and almost 8 thousands ahead of all the rest. The director of "Spamash" explains it by the usual "numbers speak for themselves":

“Maybe some were impressed by the vocal, others  - by the show, still others - by the song itself... I don't know! It is very difficult for me to comment on it because I did not watch the rivals' work."

It will be Lanskaya's second attempt to take part in Eurovision. The singer won last year's "Eurofest" but then it turned out that the results of the voting had been faked up. That is why Belarus was represented by Litesound in Baku...