
Leanid Zaides. Photo: nn.by
Leanid Zaides. Photo: nn.by
The owner of the entertainment center near the mass executions site in Kurapaty seeks to defend his honor and business reputation.
Photo: facebook.com/evgenij.batura
Photo: facebook.com/evgenij.batura
The monument to the victims of Stalin-era executions was installed at the order of the Federation of Trade Unions.
Photo: Yury Melyashkevich’s Facebook
Photo: Yury Melyashkevich’s Facebook
The installation of the memorial sign has started in Kurapaty.
Photo: kgb.by
Photo: kgb.by
Businessman Akradiy Izrailevich was detained in the evening of 31 October, according to media reports.
Vital Rymasheuski. Photo: svaboda.org
Vital Rymasheuski. Photo: svaboda.org
The judge asked Vital Rymasheuski whether he had been given permission to express his opinion and who gave it to him.
Photo: udf.by
Photo: udf.by
Up to 500 people are allowed to take part in the rally at the Stalin-era execution site in Minsk neighborhood Losyca.
Euroradio image
Euroradio image
Opposition activists stood holding lit candles in front of the KGB headquarters on 29 October.
Euroradio image
Euroradio image
Writers and singers gathered in Kurapaty to commemorate the victims of Stalin-era executions on the anniversary of killings.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
About 200 people took part in this year’s manifestation to commemorate the victims of Stalin-era executions in Belarus.