Lidia Yermoshina

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Central Election Commission (CEC) chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
Central Election Commission (CEC) chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
The early voting turnout figures were significantly lower during the previous parliamentary and presidential elections in Belarus.
Central Election Commission (CEC) meeting, 22 July 2020 / Screenshot from broadcast​
Central Election Commission (CEC) meeting, 22 July 2020 / Screenshot from broadcast​
Not more than three observers are allowed in a polling station during early voting and up to five on Election Day (August 9).
Lidziya Yarmoshyna / BELTA
Lidziya Yarmoshyna / BELTA
It would require changing the Election Code and it is impossible to do it before the election.
Anatol Lyabedzka / Euroradio file photo
Anatol Lyabedzka / Euroradio file photo
Opposition activist Anatol Lyabedzka says there are many reasons to dismiss the current head of Central Election Commission.
Belarus' Central Election Commission chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
Belarus' Central Election Commission chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna / Euroradio
The chair of Belarus' central election authority says e-voting will be gradually implemented as transparent boxes are outdated.
Belarus' CEC head says the most active voters consume traditional media, while online generation stays away from elections.
Central Election Commission chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / BELTA
Central Election Commission chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna / BELTA
The CEC chair says it would be too early to conduct a presidential election in spring, too close to the parliamentary election.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka /
Alyaksandr Lukashenka /
CEC Chair said there is still a month to decide on the date.
The head of the Central Election Commission gave a short interview to Euroradio.