Opposition activist urges to sign petition to dismiss CEC chairperson

Anatol Lyabedzka / Euroradio file photo
Anatol Lyabedzka has recorded a video appeal urging Belarusians to sign the petition to dismiss Lidziya Yarmoshyna who heads the Central Election Commission. In his view, there are many reasons to dismiss the CEC chairperson. Lyabedzka insists that Yarmoshyna headed the Central Election Commission illegally back in 1996 when Lukashenka organized the controversial referndum. Furthermore, the international community has not recognized any of the election campaigns conducted by Yarmoshyna to be legitimate. The petition is meant to demonstrate a desire for positive changes in the country, Lyabedzka stressed.
Earlier in the year, Lyabedzka had recorded a video appeal asking Lukashenka to comment on 25 burning issues but the president chose to ignore.
The next parliamentary election will be held in Belarus on November 17, 2019.
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