Lidia Yermoshina

The chairperson of the Central Election Committee has told Euroradio when the state leader’s order concerning the future parliamentary election may appear.

The CEC Chairperson does not exclude that this "innovation" may appear already this Autumn.

Chairperson of the Belarusian CEC thinks that the organization of the presidential election in Russia was flawless and its results is natural.

As an observer.

This is their response to the colllective appeal of the city inhabitants.

She does receive guests, but you need a permit.

The ex-presidential candidate Andrej Sannikau has passed an appeal to Belarusians from prison. He demands the second round of election.

Euroradio has asked the CEC chairperson whether the events that took place after the presidential election would distract people from becoming candidates.

The CEC Chairperson Lidzia Yarmoshyna has explained why she left the TV-studio of the program "Choice" on December 19, in an interview to "Sexus" magazine.