Parade in Minsk

Pinsk policemen have marched across the city centre to mark the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian police.

The name of just one of them is known - Pavel Sasnouski.

Festive events were held without participation of EU and U.S. diplomats, like on May 9.

Approaches to the Stella were blocked with fences, all the passers-by were filmed.

LiveJournal user Litota_ photographed tanks being delivered to a military parade rehearsal in the centre of Minsk last night.

It was dedicated to the World Blondes' Day, which is marked on May 31.

More than 20 girls took part in the first brides' parade in Pinsk.

The parade's honourable guests greeted the Belarusian community with a "Long live free Belarus!" chant (photo).