Parliamentary elections in Belarus 2016

104 representatives of opposition parties now have their nominating groups registered for the parliamentary elections.
United Civil Party (UCP) has the highest number of registered nominating groups among the opposition parties.
This question and the opposition’s goal have been disused in the joint project of ePramova and Euroradio.
She is planning to collect signatures first and to prepare her pre-election programme later.
Activists were collecting signatures for Alyaksei Yanukevich’s participation in the parliamentary election.
Poet Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu who also was a presidential contender in 2010 is the head of Statkevich's nominating group.
Political parties, civil organizations and workers' associations can nominate candidates to run for seats in Belarus' parliament.
The changes announced by the Central Election Committee are ‘cosmetic’, observers say.
Territorial and district election committees have been formed in Belarus. Only a few oppositionists have joined them.