People with disability

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"March of the (dis)abled" in Minsk / Euroradio​
"March of the (dis)abled" in Minsk / Euroradio​
Several dozens of people with disabilities marched through central Minsk to protest against election fraud and police violence.
Court decision / Euroradio
Court decision / Euroradio
Lidziya Yarmoshyna, head of the CEC, personally helped to deal with the last "invalidated" signature.
Maksim Syamashka at home / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Maksim Syamashka at home / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
A 19-year-old paralyzed youngster can barely move his hand but tries to enjoy himself, gets tattoos and earns money.
Officials are planning to replace it with the term ‘disabled people’.
Screenshot from video:
Screenshot from video:
Police fines a disabled man for jaywalking and public drinking but he has not left his house for one year.
Photo: open sources
Photo: open sources
Alyaksandra Chychykava, 23, took a spontaneous decision to participate in the contest and has won!
Ratification comes one year after Belarus joined the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Vice Prime Minister Natallya Kachanava reckons government officials may be discrediting themselves in this situation.
Civic activist Yury Lyashenka is ousted from temporary accommodation when his overhauled block of flats remains not barrier-free.