Policy for the European Union in Belarus

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Lukashenka's regime hopes to find a place in the Asian alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Lukashenka's regime hopes to find a place in the Asian alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Lukashenka's regime is using participation in the SCO for PR with no obvious benefits
Protest in Kazakhstan and Belarus / Euroradio
Protest in Kazakhstan and Belarus / Euroradio
Another example of juggling with facts, which has become a tradition for the Belarusian authorities.
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted / shutterstock.com
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted / shutterstock.com
The sanctions are working despite the growth of trade, and their effect is becoming commonplace in Belarus, said the expert.
Lukashenka gets praise from Western experts for his geopolitical split at the Minsk Dialogue conference in Belarus capital.
Slovak MFA's Political Director Lubomir Rehak even wrote his tweet in Belarusian.

Belrus Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna and EU envoy in Minsk Maira Mora met for consultations on Monday.

He will visit the MFA and meet representatives of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

Reasons: Ukrainian crisis and EU association agreement signed by Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The speaker of the National Assembly's upper house, the Council of the Republic Anatol Rubinau lashes out at EU over "lack of constructive stance".