Sergei Rumas

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Belarusian Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas / BELTA
Belarusian Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas / BELTA
Belarus presents new proposals on oil supplies in 2020. The Russian government needs several days to talk to oil companies.
Crowell & Moring logo
Crowell & Moring logo
The US law firm Crowell & Moring is tasked to help Belarus receive the status of a market economy.
Extract from reply sent to Alena Anisim /
Extract from reply sent to Alena Anisim /
The government has refused to reveal the details of the plan to deepen economic integration between Belarus and Russia.
The action plan contains 66 paragraphs and will lead to some 28 roadmaps aimed to create common markets in various sectors.
Belarus Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas /
Belarus Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas /
The ceremony to rebury the remains of the 1863 anti-Russian uprising leaders will be held in the Lithuanian capital in November.
Belarus Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas. Photo: BELTA
Belarus Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas. Photo: BELTA
Belarus and Russian Prime Ministers Siarhei Rumas and Dmitry Medvedev did not ink the visa recognition agreement today in Brest.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
Belarus Prime Minister Siarhei Rumas stressed at the opening ceremony that Sudan remains a key partner in Africa.
Photo: БЕЛТА
Photo: БЕЛТА
The Prime Minister is finally approved 1.5 months after the appointment by President Lukashenka.
Belarusian Prme Minister Siarhei Rumas. Photo: BELTA 
Belarusian Prme Minister Siarhei Rumas. Photo: BELTA 
Siarhei Rumas has headed the Belarus government for almost 1.5 months without a formal approval by the parliament.