Students in Belarus

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Andrei Karol has been the rector of BSU since 2017

Andrei Karol has been the rector of BSU since 2017 /

As many as 140 students were expelled and 50 teachers were fired.
Siarhey Sialetski /

Siarhey Sialetski / /

An ad hoc commission will collect and analyze the information until further internal procedures take place.
Herman Lebedzeu / Photo from law enforcement social feeds

Herman Lebedzeu / Photo from law enforcement social feeds / фота з сацсетак сілавікоў

The chat contained "cruelty against Russian soldiers"
Студентов ведут на показательный суд / Скриншот из видео "Беларусь 1"
Students put on show trial / Screenshot from the "Belarus 1" video
The boys were sentenced to 15 days of arrest each.
Resovietization is finishing Belarusian education / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Resovietization is finishing Belarusian education / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Curricula with a loop of Soviet ideology are "the same as heresy in the form of sectarian teachings," the expert says.
Anastasiya Dudzina / photo from archive
Anastasiya Dudzina / photo from archive
Economics student Anastasiya Dudzina faces from 3 to 8 years in prison for "taking part in riots."
Medical workers in India / Reuters
Medical workers in India / Reuters
The relatives of students claim "the situation in Belarus is critical due to inaction of the authorities in response to COVID19.”
It's also a better meal than in NATO, and it's on the state's dime.
Turkmen students say the interdiction was announced the Turkmenistan's ambassador in Minsk.