Pavel Svyardlou's relatives came to the detention center where he is in custody in the morning on June 23.
Poland's MFA passes note of protest to Belarusian Ambassador
12:04 23.06.2012
This is connected with detention of "Gazeta Wyborcza" journalist and activist of non-official Union of Poles in Belarus Andrzej Poczobut.Victar Tsoy's anniversary marked with a tribute concert in Brest (photo)
10:56 23.06.2012
The cover-musicians from Brest played a program which sounded as close as possible to "Kino" at the 50th anniversary of Victar Tsoy.A group of Euroradio's journalists accompanied by plain-clothed agents
10:18 23.06.2012
Several correspondents of our radio and other media left Euroradio's editor's office approximately at 20.30.