The photo was made by a Euroradio listener.
Euroradio journalist jailed for 15 days
13:22 22.06.2012
Pavel Svyardlou was accused of swearing. He will serve his sentence in Akrestsina. (Updated)Beginning of war staged in Brest Fortress (photo+video)
13:15 22.06.2012
The events dated for the 71st anniversary of the begging of the German-Soviet war took place on the night of June 22.Belarus refuses from Venezuelan oil before Lukashenka's visit to Chavez
12:47 22.06.2012
Our country has stopped buying Venezuelan oil this June.Several dozen cafes may be fined for Euro-2012 broadcasts
12:14 22.06.2012
The rightholder has been tracking legal and illegal broadcasts of the championship.General Belarusian NPP construction contract postponed till July
11:42 22.06.2012
Vice PM Uladzimir Syamashka has informed about it today.Belarusians convicted in Libya repair military equipment
11:16 22.06.2012
Convicted Russians and Ukrainians work together with them.Dollar exchange rate goes up by Br50
10:56 22.06.2012
This is the result of the today's trade session on the Belarusian Stock Exchange.