Beginning of war staged in Brest Fortress (photo+video)
The events dated for the 71st anniversary of the begging of the German-Soviet war took place on the night of June 22.
They began with a requiem meeting near the Terespol Gate at 3.45 a.m. A historical chronological prologue about the heroic defense of Brest Fortress was shown.
Traditionally, people threw wreaths to the River Bug in memory of the perished soldiers. Participants of the meeting laid flowers near the Eternal Flame and commemorated fortress defenders with a minute's silence.
The events in Brest Fortress ended on the territory of Kobryn fortification. A historical reconstruction of the first day of the war - "Intrusion" - was shown there. About 500 members of history clubs from 8 states, both from the CIS and Western Europe, took part in it.