Zmicier Lukashuk

The Ministry of Information has mounted suits in order to stop the printing of the editions to the Belarusian Supreme Economic Court.

However, it is rather a problem than fun for villagers because if the water-pump gets finally broken, they will have to use the other water-pump at the far end

Inspectors make charges for a white-red-white flag sticker, paying no attention to other stickers, although almost all of them are forbidden.

Euroradio has asked the CEC chairperson whether the events that took place after the presidential election would distract people from becoming candidates.

Even if the National Bank legalizes “the shadow ruble exchange rate” and provides the interbank market with foreign currency,

…of some psycho, the trial on terrorist act case should be open. Specialists are not sure the authorities will agree to this.

In the lawyer's opinion, users will have to work on themselves in order not to sink to excessive self-censorship under the influence of limitations.

Opposition leaders have met deputy head of the faction “Civil Platform” Rafal Krupinski in the Polish Embassy of Belarus.

The famous blogger has not decided whether to stop his hunger-strike yet.