Belarusian political prisoners

Political prisoner Ales Bialiatski /

Political prisoner Ales Bialiatski /

And for this, enter into a dialogue with the regime of Lukashenka.
There are over 1,400 political prisoners in Belarus 

There are over 1,400 political prisoners in Belarus  / shutterstock / Fanni_2021

He spoke about it at a recent meeting dedicated to Belarus' Independence Day.
Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut /

He was arrested in Belarus on March 25, 2021.
The current document will become the fifth

The current document will become the fifth / Reuters

It was introduced in the US House of Representatives in May.

The criminal article "high treason"" is becoming a "daily weapon of repression", say human rights activists, sample photo

The criminal article "high treason"" is becoming a "daily weapon of repression", say human rights activists, sample photo

The criminal article dealing with 'high treason' is becoming a "daily weapon of repression," human rights activists say.
Tor band musicians on trial /

Tor band musicians on trial / /

Political prisoners were tried in Homiel behind closed doors.
Zmicier Daškievič

Zmicier Daškievič / Еўрарадыё

Last summer, he was to finish his term fully and walk out free but ended up in jail again instead.
A movie about Ales Bialiatski /Euroradio

A movie about Ales Bialiatski /Euroradio / Еўрарадыё

The independent outlet Malanka Media produces the film abour famous Belarusian.
Pavel Latushka spoke about the prospects of Lukashenka's arrest / @rubanau_collage

Pavel Latushka spoke about the prospects of Lukashenka's arrest / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Pavel Latushka spoke about the possible arrest of Lukashenka.