
Tomasz Szmydt 

Tomasz Szmydt  / БЕЛТА

The Polish defector seems to be happy with his new work in Belarus.
Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut / sb.by

He was arrested in Belarus on March 25, 2021.
Santander Bank

Santander Bank / Reuters

More than 1,000 people in Poland have already signed the petition.
On the Polish border

On the Polish border / pap.pl

Poland re-opens a 200-meter buffer zone near the border with Belarus amid increased migrant attacks.

Salt / Звязда

Mozyrsalt is one of Europe's largest salt producers.
Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs / gov.pl

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs / gov.pl / gov.pl

Pavel Latushka learned this at the Polish Foreign Ministry.
Radoslaw Sikorski / Reporter / East News

Radoslaw Sikorski / Reporter / East News / Reporter / East News

The day before, Lukashenka said that he was preparing Belarus for war.
Готовятся ли Сувалки к войне с Россией

Suwalki / Photo by Rosół Mariusz / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

What is the Suwalki gap, which Russia allegedly has its eye on?
Smuggled cigarettes in a freight train / lubelskie.kas.gov.pl

Smuggled cigarettes in a freight train / lubelskie.kas.gov.pl / lubelskie.kas.gov.pl

Polish media reported that cigarette smuggling from Belarus to Poland increased by 1000% last year.