
Money, sample photo

Money, sample photo

Among Belarusians who moved to Poland, a third financially support relatives in Belarus.
Warsaw, sample photo

Warsaw, sample photo / pixabay.com

Only Ukrainians filed more applications for international protection, with Russians in third place.
Aftermath of the floods

Aftermath of the floods / Euroradio

Belarusian volunteer spoke about his experience of helping after a natural disaster.
Oleksandr Usyk

Oleksandr Usyk / pap.pl

The incident took place at Krakow airport.
Visa, sample photo

Visa, sample photo / migratop.com

This applies to obtaining visas and knowledge of the Polish language.
Documents of Belarusians in Poland, sample photo

Documents of Belarusians in Poland, sample photo / MOST

The rejections rate was at the level of 3.5%.
Tomasz Szmydt 

Tomasz Szmydt  / БЕЛТА

The Polish defector seems to be happy with his new work in Belarus.
Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut / sb.by

He was arrested in Belarus on March 25, 2021.
Santander Bank

Santander Bank / Reuters

More than 1,000 people in Poland have already signed the petition.