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"Young patriots" / lelchitsy.by
Uladzimir Navumau has a business in Mariupol / Еўрарадыё
Images from street video cameras / radiosvoboda.org
Most of the Indians were frightened and escaped through the window (sample photo) / pixabay.com / pixabay.com
Police are concerned about the thoughts in people's heads (sample photo) / pixabay.com / pixabay.com
Vilnius / delfi.lt / delfi.lt
The Interior Ministry believes that 200 thousand Belarusians have left the country / AP / Scanpix / AP / Scanpix
"Veterans" of special forces / Telegram / Telegram
Raman Halouchanka got interested in digital security and artificial intelligence / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
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