Uralkali scandal

The Investigation Committee has allowed representatives of the Russian Embassy to meet Uralkali CEO confined to his home.

They are indignant at the potassium war, ask to release their CEO Vladislav Baumgertner and hope for the Belarusian President’s goodwill.

Investigators in Belarus say the urgent phase of investigation into the wrongdoing by Uralkali CEO Vladislav Baumgertner is complete.

Yury Chaika visited Minsk several days ago, the aim of the visit wasn't informed.

Vladislav Baumgertner stays in Minsk in a specially selected apartment, under the 24/7 control of the police.

The Belarusian lawyers defending the Uralkali CEO insist on meeting the Attorney General.

The Chinese fund Chengdong Investment has received 12.5% of its shares. It should facilitate the export of Ural potassium, experts say.

Deputy Energy Minister of Russia Kirill Molodtsov has said this at the conference "Sakhalin Oil and Gas 2013".

Consul Victor Koryagin says the Belarusian side should reply within 3 days, in accordance with the Vienna Convention.