Illa Malinousky

Gods Tower declared themselves "metallists from the moor", while big Alyaksandr Pamidorau went in for... stage diving!

Tsikhanovich and Belarusian Television will conduct audition to choose Eurovision songs, and representative of Belarus will be picked at Eurofest.

Euroradio has phoned Alyaksandr Bachyla, the investigator of Minsk Central District Office of the Public Prosecutor who summoned Mihalok (+ photo of subpoena).

Lead singer and keyboarder of Clover Club band have told about their basist's departure, the debut album,relationship with other rockers and presented a song.

The festival attracted about 7 thousand people and raised 33.5 millions for the National Architecture Museum.

Minsk drummers to perform together with Grebenschikov, Skrypka and Parov Stelar.

The few passers-by hardly noticed it.

The names of the bands "Liapis Trubetskoy" and "Tarakany" were crossed out with a black marker on the Russian festival's posters in Homel.

She also sang another Belarusian song and promised to answer questions.