Deputies refuse to give accreditation to journalists from “Hantsavitski Chas” again

Journalists from an independent newspaper “Hantsavitski Chas” have been refused accreditation by Hantsavichy District Council again. First it was done by the presidium of the local district council and now – by Brest Region Council of Deputies. The head of Ashmyany regional committee claims that “the state organ will not bind itself to giving accreditation to the journalists”. The official refers to some “discredit of state organs” and “misinformation of the population in mass media” according to which the state organ has the right to refuse them.

Let us note that officials did not mention any facts of the kind in connection with “Hantsavitski Chas”.

"Hantsavіtskі Chas "  is a weekly distributed in Hantsavichy District. Its print run is almost 3 thousand issues.

Іvan Yurashchyk, European Radio for Belarus, Hantsavіchy