Fairytale characters "attack" Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Prince Farcuad: "I am the evil Despot-Prince! I am going to announce the order so that all the civic activists and other fairytale monsters be exiled to the swampland. They are sort of sick creatures, we need to prohibit them!"

An unusual satiric action took place on the streets of Minsk. Fairytale characters marched from the railway station to the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and passed their appeal. They demanded abolishment of the criminal article 193-1 which prohibits activity on behalf of unregistered organizations.

On the way to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Princess: "We are going to the Ministry to make a little role-play, to visualize the absurd of existence of article 193-1 and to show our disagreement with the opinion of the Ministry which has no intention to abolish this article".

Belarus is the only country in Europe, and one of the several in the world, where activity on behalf of an unregistered civic organization is a crime. Article 193-1 of the Criminal Code prescribes up to 2 years of imprisonment for that. At the same time, registration procedure is very complicated and refusals are not rare.

The UN Human Rights Council is to adopt a final document on Belarus in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review on September 23. Belarusian delegation is to declare which recommendations of the foreign governments Belarus will follow and which not. The official document of the Belarusian government states the article will be left in force.

Shrek protested against the intention of the evil prince to prohibit the fairytale characters, on the way to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Shrek: "Maybe we are way too funny for you! But you cannot prohibit us or send us to exile! Your ministries and embassies can fool no one! If you are against civic activity, your ministers will become notorious monsters!"

Shrek and Princess enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to pass the appeal

Fairytale characters reel at the Ministry's steps

Belarusian delegation as usual refuted critical remarks with regard to conditions for existence of non-governmental organizations in Belarus at the session of the UN Human Rights Council.

"We would like to stress that more than 2200 public associations and 15 political parties conduct their activity in Belarus. If we implemented any restrictive measures, civic society structures would not have developed that fast", – responded the Chairman of the Permanent Mission on the premises of the UNO Mikhail Khvastou to the critical observation of the UNO High Commissioner on Human Rights.

The lawyer of the Assembly of NGOs Jury Chavusau says that the number of non-governmental organizations indeed remained approximately the same for the last 10 years.

According to the official statistics, there have been 2248 public associations registered by October 30, 2003, 2259 - by January 1, 2005, 2225 - by January 1, 2010.