Housing services chiefs admit huge kickbacks

They have admitted accepting huge kickbacks for ecological projects contracts. The sums reached hundreds of thousands dollars, Yezhednevnik reports.

The criminal case was started three years ago but the preliminary investigation took longer than expected. The concern introduces energy saving technologies in water supply systems and communal heat and power engineering. It is in charge of centralized purchases of equipment for the country’s communal services.

Former director-general of Belinkammash Victar Zhdan is the principal. He is accused of receiving kickbacks for state purchases of equipment from foreign companies. The equipment was bought at a higher price and the difference in price was divided between the swindlers.

A representative of the financial company who helped with the money laundry is also accused of the crime. However, he is not standing trial because he has not been extradited to Belarus.

Victar Zhdan pled not guilty during the preliminary investigation. However, policemen received evidence from marketing director Martsinkevich. He confessed that about $250 thousands had been stolen. 75% of the sum was given to Zhdan and Martsinkevich got 255. Then Zhdan pled partially guilty but did not agree with the indicated sum of the kickbacks.

The suspects are facing up to 12 years of imprisonment.

Photo: fedpress.ru