Igar Logvinau: Bookstore to open

The trial of Igar Logvinau, owner of the LogvinaU bookstore, has been adjourned until 14.30 on January 9. Logvinau is tried for selling books without the license from the Ministry of Information. Tax inspection service set the bookseller a penalty of 961 millions.

In court, Igar Logvinau explained that the sum set by the tax authorities is the shop's turnover rather than its profit. The very same bookstore, he said, only covers its expenses.

Logvinau filed a number of notices to the court. Moreover, he added that he was now appealing the actions of the Information Ministry that left him without a publishing license at the Supreme Court .

Logvinau told reporters that he currently had nothing to do with the store's activities, as it is registered to another legal entity. Thus, Logvinau said, the bookstore will continue its operations. He himself plans to continue publishing activities.