Pamidorau and Kruhlova make a modern version of "Christmas Miracle"

The project Pomidor/OFF organized an unusual presentation of their album "Pathos/Pops/Propaganda/". Everyone was invited, but mostly journalists and friends of the band came. The presentation was held in the form of listening to the album through the acoustic system of the Graffiti club. After that, the frontman of the project Alyaksandr Pamidorau gave interviews and treated the visitors with vodka and self-made pelmeni.


"This is not Alyaksandr Pamidorau solo-album, this is the album of the project Pomidor/OFF, please note this, - the leader of the band started the conversation with journalists. - The album contains 13 songs. There are two bonus-tracks there as well. This is a censored version of one of the songs - there is a non-censored one also. And one more song which was published upon consent and recommendations of the band's musicians. This is the alternative version of mixing the song of the band "Hasta la Filsta", with music by "Hasta la Filsta" and my vocals and lyrics".

The official part of the presentation started only an hour after the announced time, and everyone was impressed by poor organization of the event. At the same time they said "may be this is what real rock-n-roll is about". The majority of peole left having tried vodka and pelmeni, but it was a mistake. Veranika Kruhlova appeared in the club and sang an updated version of the "Christmas Miracle" together with Pamidorau almost on the spot, whithout rehearsal. They changed the lyrics - there appeared run-away prisoners and their Christmas miracles.

Alyaksandr Pamidorau celebrated his 40th birthday on that very day. Euroradio's editor's office congratulates him!