Aliaksandr Kazulin: All the rest will have no other option but to join

A group of Belarusian politicians has come up with an appeal to the citizens "Boycott against Dictatorship - Winning Strategy", urging to boycott the parliamentary election-2012. Stanislau Shushkevich, Aliaksandr Kazulin, Victar Ivaskevich, and coordinators of the campaign "European Belarus" Jauhen Afnahel and Pavel Marynich signed the document.

Aliaksandr Kazulin has explained on air to Euroradio that their suggestion is one of the possible strategies of the "United Democratic Forces". As there is a strategy with a suggestion to make a dialogue with the authorities aiming at participation in the Parliamentary election, another strategy has been announced, and the boycott is a part of it, Kazulin has said.  

However, will other political forces support this strategy?  Aliaksandr Kazulin has said the following: "We hope that those forces who have the base of morality will have no other option but to join".

Let us remind you, it is stated in the document, that "the only correct strategy at the moment is attacking the regime", with an aim to release all political prisoners. The appeal declares a new campaign of non-violent resistance "Boycott against Dictatorship", and boycott of the parliamentary election is to become a part of it.
