Myasnikovich’s press secretary writes about him on Twitter

PM Mihail Myasnikovich hired a new press secretary on January 9 – Volha Douhaya. She used to be a political observer on the TV channel “Belarus-1”.
 As Euroradio has found out, Volha Douhaya has a microblog on Twitter. Here are some of her notes:

Having talked to a boorish woman from the Russian consulate in Minsk, I love Belarus.
Are you against Putin’s new presidency? No, I don’t. Yes, it’s okay.

Myasnikovich has spent two days meeting Ukrainian oligarchs. I wonder why.


“The 500 thousand roubles” is called “vegetable money” in town and “fruit wine money” in the country. Happy “Dazhynki”!


A herd of kolkhoz cows trampled down on my country plot last night. This is a catastrophe; all the lavender is covered with muck.

A shepherd came to say sorry. I asked him about his salary, he said it was 450 thousands.


Looking for a job of a freelance journalist, copywriter, creative professional… maybe part time. @ntvru @vesti_news @bbcrussian @ForbesRussia

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