American teen: CIA boss John Brennan's personal email hacked

Амерыканскі старшакласнік заявіў, што "ўзламаў" пошту дырэктара ЦРУ

The US authorities are investigating reports that CIA Director John Brennan's personal email account has been hacked by a high-school student. The alleged hacker has given an anonymous interview to the New York Post. He found Brennan’s work-related files, he claimed.

He was described by the New York Post newspaper as ‘a stoner high-school student’ who was angry about the United States foreign policy.

The teenager’s name has not been reported, BBC notes. His Twitter account included links to files which he said were Mr Brennan's contact list, his insurance number, a list of phone calls by a former CIA deputy director and other documents.


The CIA said investigations were under way, but did not confirm whether the hack happened.

The alleged hacker also claimed to have breached an email account belonging to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

Photo: Reuters