Belarusian customs officers deny information about queues on Russian border

State Customs Committee of Belarus has denied reports about many kilometers of trucks queues on the Belarus-Russia border. "Vehicle stop for no more than 5-10 minutes. That's how much time is spent on one vehicle to examine documents and verify the information in them," RIA Novosti quoted the representative of the Customs Committee press service.

He also did not confirm the information on the introduction in Belarus of tighter customs controls, which allegedly provoked queues at the border. However, special control inspection is held at the Belarus-Russia border.

On 6 December, the site of Belarus State Customs Committee featured information about the results of monitoring at the Belarus-Russia border, which was conducted jointly by customs officers, police officers, services, phytosanitary and veterinary control. Within five days, seven attempts to import into Russia goods subject to sanctions were stopped. During the same period, 86 freight vehicles moving with cargo from Russia were suspended. Administrative proceedings were launched in 15 cases of goods import in Belarus without proper papers.

In late November Rosselkhoznadzor banned,  due to contraband detection, the transit through the Russian territory of food products, which are under embargo and going to third countries through the checkpoints of Belarus. Many shipments did not reach the stated countries, but were, in fact, unloaded in Russia. Now the import of such goods for transit is only allowed through the checkpoints located in the Russian section of the external Customs Union border. Minsk officials claimed that the measure violates international agreements.

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