Obama: "We have to apply as much pressure as we can on Belarus "

Poland greeted Americal President Barack Obama with the national anthem of his country on Saturday, May 28. An official greeting ceremony took place on the second day of Obama's visit, not on the first one, due to some reason. The American President arrived to the Polish capital on Friday night, May 27. A festive dinner took place then, where the American President had a conversation with the leaders of 20 cointries of the Central and Eastern Europe, who had arrived to a summit in Warsaw, at the roundtable behind the closed doors. 

After dinner, Barack Obama, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Ukrainian leader Victor Yanukovich unexpectedly conducted a meeting. The only thing which is known in this regard is that they discussed the issue of Ukraine's European future.

Belarus was recalled in Warsaw mainly on the second day, on Saturday. Polish and Americal Presidents once again condemned the actions of the Belarusian authorities, and Obama even added that the whole region felt in danger because of the situation in our country. This topic got the most attention during Obama's meeting with Polish Premier Donald Tusk. Barack Obama promised not to forget about Belarus.

Barack Obama: “ We had a very extensive conversation. We agreed that we have to apply as much pressure as we can on Belarus to change its practices.  And that's going to require close coordination between the United States and Poland, but also between the United States and all of Europe.  And I think Poland is uniquely situated during its EU presidency to be able to show extraordinary leadership on this issue.”

Polish PM Donald Tusk also promised not to leave Belarusians in need. Tusk noted that his vision of the Belarusian issue coincided with Barack Obama's views by 100%.

Donald Tusk: “There is no future for such dictatorships as the one which is represented today by Lukashenko in Belarus. 

Both the United States and Poland will be ambitiously setting forth - the conduct for the international community so that the Belarusian people do not have to pay too high a price and for too long a period.  I also informed President Obama about our interpretation of the events in the Belarusian economy”.

Barack Obama said that he knew about the Hrodna journalist of the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza Andrzej Poczobut. The topic was raised by both Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and the PM Donald Tusk.

Barack Obama: “"President Lukashenka has shown a total disregard for democratic values, the rule of law and human rights of his own people. And his brutal crackdown included the conviction and sentencing of presidential candidates who challenged him in the presidential election, and the repression and imprisonment of members of the free press, including one of the Polish press. So since this crackdown has begun, Poland and the United States have coordinated closely on Belarus, both bilaterally and through the EU”.

In Barack Obama's opinion, the countries which are fighting dictatorship regimes now should use Polish experience of democratization. Poland and America agreed to help Belarus on its way to democracy. The word "democracy" sounded many times during the visit of the American President, however, it remained unclear what the foreign help to our country would look like. 

As for other issues, not connected with our country, no concrete decisions were taken during Barack Obama's visit. Obama praised Polish democracy, underlined the importance of Polish-American relationship as allies, spoke about the intention to have good relations with Russia, smiled a lot and energetically shook hands with everyone he met.