PACE adopts resolution on Belarus

The PACE's Political Committee is deeply concerned by the constantly deteriorating situation with human rights, political and civil freedoms in Belarus, condemns repressions and pressure against the dissidents. This is stated in PACE's draft resolution on Belarus, which is to be voted on today in Strasbourg.

The document "fully supports EU's targeted sanctions, which should be expanded, and urges the countries of the Council of Europe to join them, until all political prisoners are released and rehabilitated, and repressions against political opponents, representatives of the civil society and human rights defenders are stopped". Apart from that, PACE advises the Committee of Ministers, which is the directive body of the Council of Europe, should address with such appeal to all the members of the organization. 

Let us remind you, all European countries (apart from Belarus, Vatican and Kosovo) are members of the Council of Europe. 

The draft resolution also suggests that PACE should expand cooperation with representatives of NGOs, independent media, political opposition and independent trade unions. Also, it recommends to leave the high-level relations with the Belarusian authorities frozen. The position of a special guest for Belarus also remains unchanged: it depends on the death penalty moratorium and progress in the sphere of democracy.

It will become known whether any changes will be included into the draft document and what the voting results will be within the next two hours.
