Rock vs Pop: Who will win Eurofest song contest?

Members of the public are invited to vote tonight for three finalists of the Eurofest show, the national qualification stage for Eurovision'2008 song contest. The concert will be brodcast live on December 21 at 2145 at Channel One. The list of 15 semi-finalists includes the representatives of both the rock and popular music.

According to the draw, all the rock bands will perform one after another: Po Glazam (No11); Palac (No12); Dali (No 13).Вызначэнне чарговасці ўжо адбылося. Атрымалася, што ўсе рокавыя калектывы выступаць адзін за адным: “По Глазам” – 11-я, “Палац” – 12-ы, “Dali” – 13-я.

Viktar Rudenka, Dali's leader, is not scared of their devil's number:

“It is a very lucky number! I don't fear this number. Rather, I focus more on texts. Previosuly, we performed this song in Belarusian in front of TV cameras. So, I think that we ara prepared to demonstrate the English version as well. I think this will be a good impressionis. The song sounds very European”.

Although musicians prefer rock music, they are confident that a sincere song will win:

Stasya, Po Glazam's singer, is also happy with her No 11.

Band Aliaksandra i Kanstantsin who represented Belarus for the first time in the history of Eurovision will also come to the show to support the participants. The musicians will definitely vote for Palac:

“Frankly speaking, we don't even know who is on that list. But we heard that Palac advanced to the semi-finals. We like them more than the others, so we will vote for Mr Khamenka and Co.”.

The finalists will be picked both by viewers and a professional jury that will be watching the show on TV in a different room.

If the views of the jury and viewers do not match, three musicians instead of two will advance to the final. So it is you people who wil determin who will win tonight: rock or pop…

Picture "Wiecier Mechaniczny", Tuzin Hitou