Fight against corruption: officials may lose pension and be expelled from party

Draft of the new "Law on Corruption" has been made public. Compared with the current document from 2006, which was amended in 2011, the new one became larger by a new section called "Declaration of income and property" and 18 more articles. 

It is proposed now that all officials, deputies, senators, judges, prosecutors as well as decision-makers in the KGB, MIA, MES, Ministry of Defence and other structures  filed each year a declaration of income and assets with information on country houses, vehicles, works of art, building materials, shares in the authorized capital. It is even proposed to declare the property of minors. A declaration must be filed by the wife\husband, children and relatives if they live with the official. 

But both the old and the new drafts keep the property and income of civil servants and MPs closed for the public. 

"The information contained in the declarations of income and property, are not to be made public, except in cases stipulated by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus," stated the developers of both the old and new law. 

According to the new draft of the "Law on Corruption", officials including deputies "are prohibited to use their official position in the interests of political parties and religious organizations, if it is contrary to the interests of the public service." 

According to the law of 2006 it was prohibited "to fulfil the assignments of parties or other public organizations with the exception of the National Assembly deputies." 

Under the bill, officials can be "asked" to leave a political party: "public official is obliged to suspend its membership in a political party, if, in accordance with the laws, performing of government duties is incompatible with belonging to a political party,"  says the draft. The old law has no such prohibition. 

By the way, if earlier the deputies were "equated with government officials", they are now "persons admitted to the civil service through election." 

The civil service is no longer offered to people with a criminal record, unless "it is defined by the President." 

"Persons who have been dismissed from government agencies and other public organizations under damaging circumstances, as well as those having a criminal record (including expunged or removed one) for premeditated crimes or those exempt from criminal liability for non-rehabilitation reasons, cannot be appointed to executive positions in state bodies, other government agencies unless otherwise determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus," says the draft

It is proposed not to appoint people to official positions if they are "perpetrators of grave or extremely grievous crime against the interests of the service." The government officials who are "caught" in the corruption on the post are even offered to strip of pension or assistance. 
