Some Belarusian startups can replicate MSQRD success

Беларускія стартапы, якія могуць хутка паўтарыць поспех MSQRD

"The recent MSQRD success story and its buy-out by Facebook showed to many people an example of movement, said the co-founder of the Minsk Business Club Imaguru Nastassia Khamyankova. - The first prototype of MSQRD was demonstrated by its creators at the November Hackathon in Imaguru and won it. But they did not stop and continued to actively develop and promote the project. This is very important, as sometimes many voice good idea, but it turns out to be the end of it. According to our statistics, out of the 15 teams, formed at the Hackathon, 4 then work successfully."

Nastassia Khamyankova emphasizes that the MSQRD startup is not the only one of its kind in Belarus. We have a lot of successful projects. But because of its narrow focus, they are not as famous as MSQRD. Nevertheless, Nastassia listed Belarusian startups that may soon be a big success. - personal financial assistant, which you can directly ask questions and immediately receive useful advice in the financial sector. Type what is better loan to take and which bank deposit suits you best.

Ontourcloud - global search engine built specifically for the concert organizers and musicians. Thanks to it, you can monitor the movement of artists and musicians and offer them to perform at their sites. Musicians, in turn, can plan a tour - the program will select the most favorable route and site, where they could perform. - a web-based application that helps to easier plan and publish posts, if you have multiple accounts in different social networks. In addition, you can analyze their popularity through analytics and various tips.

Vouff - service, something similar to MSQRD. It determines which products or brands are used in the video and replaces them in the online mode. For example, in the video you walk down the street with cola and Vouff replaces it with a beer.

Беларускія стартапы, якія могуць хутка паўтарыць поспех MSQRD

Nastassia Khamyankova is convinced that everyone can make a startup:

"To us usually come startupers, who had worked in different IT companies. But there are people from many different areas who want to make a project out of their hobby or passion and change the universe. And this, incidentally, is very reasonable. If you have an original idea, make its layout on paper and get your potential target audience to know it. Then you will get a better idea, what your project should be and what it lacks. The next step is creation of the team for the realization of the idea. It is better to visit any Hackathon - the competition, where for 48 hours without a break start-ups are made and team members selected."

According to Nastassia Khamyankova, high-tech is also actively explored by women.

"There are especially a lot of girls in the field of mobile applications. They are interested in such trendy topics as a healthy lifestyle, sports, fitness and beauty."

One of the most striking examples is the company RedRockApps, founded by Lyubou Pashkouskaya, Natallia Bahar and Ihar Yudzin. They create mobile applications for the sports and fitness. Another interesting startup founded by a Belarusian is MeetnGreetme. It was created by Alena Shkaruba, Andrei Haydukevich and Mikalai Vykhouski.

Беларускія стартапы, якія могуць хутка паўтарыць поспех MSQRD

"It's like an Uber for travelers, said Nastya jokingly. - Now more and more people prefer independent travel. With this resource, you can easily find a person anywhere in the world, who for a fee or by individual arrangement will work your own personal concierge. For example, he or she will help you get to the private party or recommend places of interest that are worth visiting and which are known only to the locals."

It should be noted that last year the startup won over the jury of GES Women Entrepreneurship Day andAlena Shkaruba became a member of the SPARK White House initiative to promote the development of women and youth entrepreneurship.