Belarusian and Russian PMs discuss trade and economic relations

Прэм'еры Беларусі і Расіі абмеркавалі гандлёва-эканамічныя адносіны

The Belarusian and Russian PMs discussed trade and economic relations. Andrei Kabyakou and Dmitry Medvedev talked on the phone on February 17.They discussed the schedule of future contacts and exchanged opinions about the integration cooperation in the Union State and Eurasian Economic Union, the Russian government press service reports.

Russia will support the Belarusian economy, Alyaksandr Lukashenka announced after the recent meeting with Vladimir Putin. The Prime Ministers probably discussed the details of the support.

Прэм'еры Беларусі і Расіі абмеркавалі гандлёва-эканамічныя адносіны
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