Confrence dated for 30th anniversary of Chernobyl to be held in Minsk

У Мінску пройдзе міжнародная канферэнцыя, прысвечаная 30-м угодкам Чарнобыля

The international conference “Thirty years after Chernobyl. From an Emergency to a Revival and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Affected Territories” (organized by the Belarusian government and the UN Development Programme) will be held at Minsk Palace of the Republic on April 25. Helen Clark, deputy UN Secretary General and administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, will take part in it.


Representatives of Ukraine, Russia, the Knights of Malta, partners from Sweden, Ireland, Japan, Great Britain, Austria and Italy will take part in it. Such organizations as the IAEA, World Bank and OSCE will also be represented.


A declaration that will be ‘the basis for a new stage of Chernobyl cooperation aimed at the creation of

new partnerships for innovation and investment in the affected regions’ will be adopted at the conference.