'Euromaidans' unite in Kyiv (video)

About three thousand of demonstrators from the European Square came to the Independence Maidan which also hosts a protest action. Imprisoned ex-PM and an opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko urged for this union. The protesters also accepted her offer not to hoist any party flags - just the flags of Ukraine and the European Union, UNIAN informs.

On November 21, the Supreme Council of Ukraine declined all the variants of the draft bill that prescribed an opportunity for imprisoned former PM Yulia Tymoshenko to go abroad for treatment. In the end, she remained in prison, and one of the EU's conditions in view of signing the Association Agreement wasn't fulfilled. Later, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ordered to suspend the process of preparation to and authorized a series of ministries to focus on development of relations with the CIS and the Customs Union, as well as on normalization of relations with Russia.

Moreover, the Cabinet of Ministers initiated setting up of the three-sided commission with participation of the EU and Russia. Later, President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych explained in a telephone conversation with President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, that Kyiv couldn't sign the agreement with the European Union because of Russia's economic pressure and blackmail. Yanukovych claimed there had been threats o limit the import of goods from East Ukraine. According to Kyiv's calculations, this would lead to the billions loss.

The Association Agreement with the European Union is signed with a country that is not a EU member state yet. It prescribes cooperation in the spheres of politics, trade, social and cultural connections and security enforcement. A country that signs an Association Agreement is obliged to conduct a number of corresponding reforms. In exchange to that, the country can get a free access to the EU markets, as well as financial and technical assistance. The Association Agreement also includes the free trade agreement.

Photo - ria.ru