Executioners wanted Bulatov to uncover Automaidan financing sources (video)

Dmitrii Bulatov disappeared more than a week ago. He came to the village of Vishanki near Kiev covered with blood yesterday. Bulatov had been walking around the village in the cold for 45 minutes until some people let them in and allowed him to make a phone call to his friends, radiosvoboda.org reports referring to businessman Petro Parashenko.

Some strangers abducted him and kept him in a closed room. They tortured him – they cut off part of his ear and crucified him.  The Automaidan activist does not know who they were but they spoke with the Russian accent.

Dmitrii Bulatov’s abduction is similar to Igor Lutsenko’s abduction, Petro Parashenko thinks. It was done by the same people, he said. The police are already investigating the case, he added.

The unknown criminals wanted to find out the sources of Automaidan financing, Dzmitrii Bulatov’s friend Sergei Poyarkov said.   

Photo: espreso.tv.