Belarus allows 5 more Russian TV channels to broadcast


The Ministry of Information has issued a permit to five foreign TV channels to broadcast in Belarus, according to the Ministry's website. The list of those five channels includes "AIVA" (music), "RATNIK" (social and educational), "Match! Planet" (sports), "Fairy Tales of Bunny" (children), "Joy Cook" (culinary). The permit is granted for 3 years.

RATNIK stands out from this list as it positions itself as a social and educational channel but in fact promotes the idea of 'Great Russia.' The channel's logo features Russia's symbol - a two-headed eagle against the background of a tricolor, and its description reads the following:

Yes, we are talking about Russia. But about Russia, and not about "Rashka" (derogatory) as it is now called by the so-called "creative class." 

Why should such a channel broadcast in Belarus?


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