Opposition protest actions to continue in Kiev today (video)

They will start picketing there at 10 a.m. FET. Participants of “euro Maidans” in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities demand that the government should sign an association agreement with the EU.

More mass actions are planned to be organized in Maidan Nezalezhnosti and European Square in the Ukrainian capital in the evening. Clashes with the police happened near European Square yesterday. Oppositionists were assaulting a bus because they thought that special services were tapping there. The minibus was damaged and members of the Ukrainian Security Service were injured. The police may start a criminal case in connection with it.

Demonstrators and policemen used gas again last night.

Ex-PM Yuliya Timoshenko went on indefinite hunger-strike yesterday – she demands that President Victor Yanukovich should sign the agreement with the EU.

By the way, Ukraine still has time to think about signing the association agreement with the EU by Friday, European commissioner Štefan Füle said. The European Union will wait.