Physicist: 600 windmills can replace NPP


Deputy Minister of Energy Mihail Mihadzyuk assures that there is no alternative to the NPP.

We tried to find one. Looking through the forum "Energy expo", one can notice a German company's stand with a windmill. It is possible to build windmills in Belarus, representative Andrei Rusy said...

600 modern windmills can replace one power unit of an NPP, ecologist Andrei Azharouski thinks.

However, Belarus is going to build two power units which equals to 1200 windmills.

Professor Ryhor Lepin says that Belarus should follow the German example  and... build windmills instead of the NPP.

“They say that we do not have enough wind. However, the middle part of Germany is similar to Belarus in this sense. But you can see numerous windmills there. I noticed 100 windmills per 50 kilometres once," says the physicist.

Belarus does not have the specialists needed to work at the NPP. Higher education  alone is not enough here, he added.

There are 9 NPPs in Germany now, 19 have already been closed down. Belarus is planning to launch the first power unit in Astravets in 2018.

Photo by:

In the picture - a windmill not far from Lake Narach