Profitable Belarusian enterprises to transfer money to state budget

Прыбытковыя прадпрыемствы Беларусі пералічаць частку грошай дзяржаве

Profitable Belarusian enterprises will have to transfer part of their profit from the last year to ‘the national development fund’ in the state budget. According to the the government resolutions, the list of companies comrpises 29 enterprises including among others the likes of Beltelecom, Belgosstrah, Belvneshpromservice, Belspetsvneshtehnika, Belaruskali and MAPID.

Belaruskali will wire the most to the budget – Br158.7 billion. Beltelecom will transfer Br115.7 billion. The companies will also be sharing part of their income every month in February-June 2016. The corresponding ministries will control the process. Here is the full list of enterprises subjected to the measure.

Прыбытковыя прадпрыемствы Беларусі пералічаць частку грошай дзяржаве