BATE trains at Dynama stadium at -15! (photo+video)

BATE footballers have conducted a training at the "Dynama" stadium at 15 degrees below zero. The team is getting prepared to the game againts the French Paris Saint-Germain in 1/16 of the Europe League, which is to take place on February 17. The temperature is expected to be this low on the day of the game as well.

However, BATE's spokesman Siarhej Dashkevich sees no particular problem in this.

Dashkevich: “It will be equally cold for the French and for us. Biathlonists run in such temperatures, skiers also, so why footballers are different?!”.

Probably, they will have to wear some additional clothes because of the cold. It depends on which numbers a thermometer will show and how strong the wind will be.

“Of course, we will wear thermal underwear. We can also use geese fat or some warming ointments for rubbing”, – explains the chief coach of the team Vadzim Skrypchanka.

The stadium has been prepared for the game with the French for two weeks. Military men have traditionally worked on this, "Dynama" s employee has told to Euroradio:

“Military men of internal troups, a military unit, brigade 32\14 have worked with us for 2 weeks. 50 people each day. All the rest were our employees”.

About 100 people have worked at the stadium on the whole. They've been preparing the field eight hours a day, every day. Besides, the soldiers do not complain about the cold. Like, they've seen stronger frosts. The BATE coach Vadzim Skrypchanka highly evaluates the work which has been done with regard to the field preparation. 

Skrypchanka: “The field is soft, it is even possible to play on 6 studs. Warming works”.

Today "Dynama" representatives are expecting an UEFA expert who will evaluate the conditions of the stadium and decide whether it is necessary to change the time of the game. The game is appointed on February 17, 8 p.m. Let us remind you, the PSG represenatives appealed to UEFA asking to play the game earlier, in the day-time, due to a very low temperature which is expected in Minsk in the evening.